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电子邮件归档系统 高效邮件管理系统 MessageSolution EEA

电子邮件归档系统 高效邮件管理系统 MessageSolution EEA
MessageSolution 电子邮件归档系统EEA是一个安全易用经济高效的邮件管理系统。通过自动归档,策略 控制,归档管理内容并在线存储。用户可随时访问被归档的数据,从中快速搜索已归档的邮件及附件,还能在邮件服务器出错或崩溃后将数据恢复。EEA系统能够以低廉的成本实现获取、恢复邮件历史数据,满足提高系统性能和法规遵从方面的要求。 通过策略将历史邮件迁移到MessageSolution企业邮件归档系统,企业能够大幅降低正在使用的邮件存储系统和邮件应用软件的开销和复杂度。同时仍能满足法规的要求(如:萨班斯.奥克利法案),并轻松访问数据,更加方便有效的管理企业邮件系统。
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企业文件归档系统高效管理文件系统 MessageSolution FAA

企业文件归档系统高效管理文件系统 MessageSolution FAA
MessageSolution 的企业文件归档系统是一套集企业电子文件归档、存储、分类管理,数据挖掘等于一体的解决方案。此系统可以将各类电子文件集中统一管理、实施全程自动归档,智能分类,并保证电子文件的真实性、完整性、有效性,为企业建立系统完善的电子文件管理系统,高效地管理企业的信息财产。MessageSolution 文件归档系统 FAA 和邮件归档系统 EEA 使用统一的归档引擎,在一个系统上同时支持邮件和文件的归档,并支持多个不同类型的存储设备。
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Domino数据库归档 MessageSolution Domino Archive

Domino数据库归档 MessageSolution Domino Archive
Messagesolution 的Domino数据库归档系统是一套立足于中国客户需求,集企业OA系统数据库的归档、存储、迁移、数 据深度挖掘于一体的安全、易用、经济、高效的归档系统。解决Domino因为数据库过大而需要拆分,而拆分后在多数据库里 查找数据难的问题,经过统一自动归档管理,实现跨库搜索数据。并提供其他多种字段检索、和自定义关键字检索方式。从 而方便员工即时查找,在数据丢失的情况下轻松恢复,并减轻运维人员的工作压力,从而提高公司的整体效率。
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客户端文件归档 MessageSolution Desktop Archive

客户端文件归档 MessageSolution Desktop Archive
Messagesolution 通过综合的市场调研结合目前市场需求提出了解决企事业员工桌面大量数据归档问题的归档解决方案 ——Desktop客户端文件归档。员工可以根据自己需求将本地的各类重要电子文件选择性的自动归档到归档服务器,实现文件的统一管理,减小客户端的存储压力,降低重要历史文件丢失的风险,同时提供高效快捷的全文检索方式,方便快速准确的查找文件。实现重要文件的灾难性恢复。
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Email Policy & Management

Email Policy & Management
Who we are
MERGE Consulting is North America's largest and most experienced team of experts in the fields of enterprise content management (ECM) and business process optimization. We are also a leading provider of tactical education courses in records management, electronic document capture and legal compliance. IMERGE has offices in major cities including Boston, San Francisco, Toronto, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Seattle, New Orleans and Washington, DC.
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MessageSolution Whitepaper2006

MessageSolution Whitepaper2006
Email plays a key role in today's corporate communications. and statistics show that 60 percent of the critical information in the employees' emails, according to Radicati Research Group, approximately 541 million workers worldwide conduct business via emails. Osterman Research statistics demonstrate that the typical message user sends and receives 25,000 emails annually...  
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Technical Overview

Technical Overview
MessageSolution Enterprise Email Archiving (EEA) offers a secure, easy-to-use, cost-effective, and high-performance archiving system. It provides a long term, highly scalable data store for unstructured information such as emails, files, instant messages, etc. With version 5, Enterprise Email Archive supports a wide choice of messaging environment and drastically reduce storage cost and helps organizations meet compliance requirements.
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MessageSolution Differences

MessageSolution Differences
Next Generation Superior Technology Allows Much Faster Performance - Searching Function: Most archiving solutions in the market today using third party database to conduct searching. The database software are designed to store structured and relational information such as name, address, systematic accounting info, etc, MessageSolution is designed to index the un-structured emails/attachments into the archive then utilize the built-in search engine to conduct high-speed search & data retrieval.  
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Products Datasheet

Products Datasheet
MessageSolution Enterprise Email Archiving (EEA) offers a secure, easy-to-use, cost-effective, and high-performance email archiving system. Corporations and institutions today recognize the need for electronic document supervision, archiving and retrieval capabilities that comply with industry regulations, as well as for cost-effective ways to restore and retrieve historical data to meet legal discovery demands. 
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